Limited Ultrasound
What is an ultrasound?
An ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses sound waves to create real-time images of the uterus. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that provides valuable information about the progress of a pregnancy. During an ultrasound, one of our trained healthcare professionals, typically a sonographer, applies a gel to your abdomen and uses an instrument called a transducer to move over the gel on your abdomen. The gel helps transmit sound waves that bounce off the structures inside your body and create echoes. These echoes are then captured by the ultrasound machine, which converts them into visual images on a monitor.

Why do I need an ultrasound?
An ultrasound can provide valuable information regarding your pregnancy. Although you may have taken a pregnancy test at home, it is not a medical diagnosis. It does not tell you how far along you might be or if the pregnancy is developing as expected. Having an ultrasound, performed by trained medical staff, and reviewed by a doctor, is essential to your health and will aid you in determining next steps for your pregnancy.
What is a limited ultrasound?
A limited ultrasound refers to an ultrasound examination focused on specific aspects or objectives. At Help Pregnancy Center, our limited ultrasounds will give you the following information:
- Confirmation of Pregnancy: We will look for a gestational sac or listen for a fetal heartbeat. This is also known as determining viability.
- Dating of the Pregnancy: During the ultrasound, we will be able to measure your baby and determine how far along you are.
- Location of the Pregnancy: Although it is rare, some pregnancies can form outside of the uterus and pose a significant risk to both mother and baby. These pregnancies are known as ectopic pregnancies.
How should I prepare for an ultrasound?
Optimal attire for your ultrasound includes a loose-fitting, two-piece outfit, ensuring easy access to your lower abdomen during the examination. For a clearer scan, it’s recommended to drink 16 to 24 ounces of water about an hour before the ultrasound, maintaining a fuller bladder. Feel free to bring a trusted support person along for comfort and assistance during this special moment.