
HELP Pregnancy Center, a non-profit 501c3 organization, advocates for the unborn and provides ongoing support to families in challenging circumstances. We rely on the generous contributions of individuals like you. Our mission at Help Pregnancy Center extends beyond the physical, aiming to reach vulnerable women and men in our community with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Rooted in our firm belief in the sanctity of every life, we uphold Christian values and create a safe, non-judgmental space for those navigating unplanned or challenging pregnancies. Our confidential services include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, and education. We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support from our community and partners who share our vision of empowering individuals to choose life.

Ways to give:

-Text “Give” to 704-997-3883

-Mail: 480 Help Street Monroe, NC 28110

Using our giving platform, you can choose to make either one-time or recurring donations. One-time gifts assist us in aligning with our yearly plans, while recurring donations enable us to better plan for the future. Additionally, we gratefully accept property, stocks, and legacy gifts. For these types of donations, please reach out to our office, and we’ll be happy to assist with the details.
The following are the funds you can choose when donating online:

  • Where most needed: Contributions made to this fund will be allocated to address the most pressing and current needs within the designated area.
  • Medical Department: Contributions to this fund enable us to offer essential prenatal care to women vulnerable to abortion, addressing a critical need that may not be met elsewhere.
  • Mobile Unit/RV: Contributions to this fund support the upkeep of our mobile ultrasound unit, extending assistance six days a week outside the largest abortion clinic in NC.
  • Indian Trail and Marvin: Contributions made to this fund supply essential operating funds for our newly established satellite offices, enabling us to extend our outreach to more women in need.
  • Baby Bottle Campaign, Banquet, Golf Tournament: Contributions to these funds empower us to plan and execute our fundraising events throughout the year.

We also take donations of physical items. We ask that all donations please be new or gently used. Donations can be brought to our Monroe location Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 2pm and Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 7pm. Tax receipts are available upon request. We accept the following donations:

  • Maternity Clothes
  • Children’s Clothes (Preemie-6x)
  • Diapers & Wipes
  • Formula & Baby Food (unexpired)
  • Breastfeeding supplies
  • Children’s toys and books
  • Diaper Bags
  • Equipment (car seat, crib, pack n’ play, high chair, swing, walker, bouncy seat, etc.)

You can also donate items through our Amazon wishlist.