Banquet for Life 2020 – Corporate Sponsorship

Banquet - Corporate Sponsor

EVENT - 10,000 

This premiere sponsorship includes your company highlighted from the podium during the event.  Program Coverage, Exclusive Signage, Slide Show @ Donor Level, Prominent Newsletter recognition over 9,000,  Social Media Recognition 4900 followers/50,000 reach, Prominent signage, Website feature 1 year

Platinum - $7,500
Our Platinum sponsors enjoy company highlighted during program,  Platinum Level Signage,  Program Page, Slide Show @ Donor Level, Prominent Newsletter recognition over 9,000,  Social Media Recognition 4900 followers/50,000 reach, Prominent signage, Company LOGO displayed and featured on website for 1 year.

Gold - $5,000
Gold sponsors will receive their Gold level signage, Program 1/2 Page, Slide Show @ Donor Level, Sponsor Level Newsletter recognition over 9,000,  Social Media Recognition 4900 followers/50,000 reach, Prominent signage, Company LOGO displayed and featured on website for 1 year.

SILVER - $2,500

Silver Level sponsors receive donor level signage @ event and in the Program.  Newsletter recognition over 9,000,  Social Media Recognition 4900 followers/50,000 reach, Company LOGO displayed and featured on website for 6 Months.

BRONZE - $1,000

Bronze Level sponsors receive donor level signage @ event and in the Program and receive donor mention recognition in our newsletter reaching over 9,000,  Social Media Recognition 4900 followers/50,000 reach


Star sponsors will receive their company name on special stars for the event.

*If you plan to attend the event, please fill out Banquet registration.